Otago Study Group SYSKA

The OtagoStudyGroup Stuff You Should Know About blog

aRson threats and some best practices

Recently on twitter - the source of most of these posts - Jenny Bryan (@JennyBryan) posted a link to her slides from her talk she gave in Auckland (http://bit.ly/jenny-nz). It inpsired threats of arson for people that use


(this was because it reduces portability and outside of you using it the chances of someone having the exact directory setup is basically 0%)


rm(list = ls())

(because it interferes with peoples sessions and doesn’t sort out other session issues such as packages already loaded)

at the start of their scripts. There is now a post that is well worth reading about why not doing this is a good idea https://www.tidyverse.org/articles/2017/12/workflow-vs-script/

It raises some really good points building on the overall theme of working within a project setup and in such a way that the project is a self contained entity that can essnetially be transferred anywhere and is not reliant on an external directory setup.

Perhaps someone may take the chance to create a package/rstudio addin called aRson that checks for those commands at the top of scripts…seems almost too good an opportunity to miss!
