Otago Study Group SYSKA

The OtagoStudyGroup Stuff You Should Know About blog

Case-insensitive Completion in Bash

Have you ever been annoyed by having to re-type a file you are looking for, just because the filename contains capital letter(s)?

Tab-completion can get you closer to the correct filename without knowing what the actual filename is, but it’s not quite smart enough to account for uppercase and lowercase letters (i.e. it’s case-sensitive).

For example, if you type coolfile and hit tab to complete the filename coolFile.txt, tab-completion won’t work.

If you want to change this behaviour so you can type the filename without thinking about the casing, then add these lines to your ~/.inputrc file (or if you don’t have one already, create it and add the following):

$include /etc/inputrc
set completion-map-case On
set completion-ignore-case On

completion-ignore-case option allows you to complete filenames, ignoring the casing.

completion-map-case option allows you to do something similar, but with hyphens and underscores (i.e. - and _ are now equivalent).

After you have added these and restart your terminal, you should be able to tab-complete files without worrying about casing or hyphens/underscores.
